Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Editing Destinations and Purposes

It seems there's some confusion on how to edit, delete, and reorder destinations and purposes. So here's another blog post to help you out.

Simply select Businesses in the Presets. Then select the business that has the destinations and purposes you want to edit. You'll then be able to edit the business name and type/rate, as well as edit/delete/reorder the destinations and purposes for that business. It's that easy!

Also see the earlier post: Reordering Presets: A hidden feature


Anonymous said...

I must be missing something ... I'm following you instructions ... and the count is correct for the number of Destinations and Purposes that have been saved ... However, when I drill down with version 1.5.2 ( the paid edition ), I only see one entry that may be edited, not a list.

What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

There is a bug with iOS4 that is being addressed very shortly. The new update should be submitted to Apple by the end of the week.

richImages said...

will records be maintained across an update? Thanks,