Saturday, November 26, 2011

99c Cyber Monday MileBug SALE!

For the big Cyber Monday craze sweeping the nation, MileBug is joining the fun! Both the iPhone and Android versions of MileBug will be only 99c! That's TWO BUCKS OFF!

Given that MileBug is a great deal at $2.99 normally, 99c is a fantastic deal. Let's face it. We're talking about an app that helps you get hundreds of dollars (or thousands) in tax deductions. So get it now and start racking up those big deductions!

MileBug for iPhone

MileBug for iPhone --> in the App Store

MileBug for Android

MileBug for Android --> in the Android Market

Happy Cyber Monday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

IRS 2012 Mileage Rates Will Be Announced in December

Every year the IRS updates the rates at which we can take a deduction for miles driven for business, charity, or medical reasons. Typically these rates are announced in early December. So hang on for another couple weeks and we'll have those for you.

We will also publish new versions of MileBug for all platforms that incorporate these new rates. Look for that update and you'll good to go with plenty of time before the New Year.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Feature Requests - Need More!

OK, so we've heard from some of you. Let's hear more. As it stands, the list of desired new features is as follows, sorted by most requested:

1) Select from Contacts when add new trip
2) End date/time
3) iPad Version
4) Multiple destinations per trip
5) Add person's name to the reports
6) Backup to iCloud

Please comment below or send in your votes and requests via the Contact Us form above.

This goes for all you Android users out there, too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We want to HEAR from YOU!

We're gearing up for the New Year when everyone wants to start clean, track their miles and expenses, and get that nice big and fat tax deduction! So we'd like to hear from you what the features are you really want most. It's that simple.

Some that we've heard are as follows:
* End date/time
* Choose from Contacts when selecting origin/destination
* Multiple destinations per trip

Are YOUR most desired features the same? If so, let us know! If not, let us know!

Just click the Contact Us tab above and let your wants known.

Oh, please give MileBug a rating and review in iTunes. The more high marks we get, the more features we can bring your way. THANKS!

Friday, November 4, 2011

MileBug 2.1.3 Now Released for iPhone

Just a little maintenance release, but it comes with a couple nice improvements:

1) For new users, it's the Number Pad that's first used to enter odometer readings. You can still change to the spinner/picker in the Presets tab under Settings.

2) Quick return on select. Now when you choose the business, or destination, or purpose, you're automatically returned to the Add Trip screen. No more tapping Save to return. Just a little efficiency some users have asked for.

The more ratings and reviews, the more sales, and the more sales, the more support and new features we can provide.

As always, we encourage you to backup your data before upgrading.

We have also had reports of some apps, MileBug among them, being deleted when upgrading to iOS 5.